
Feng Fu

Feng Fu is common in Chinese acupuncture and instead of needles involves placing an ice cube on a specific position on the back of your neck for twenty minutes.

Wanting to feel better and thus be healthier is something most people strive for. Whether this feeling of wellness comes from outside stimulants, or exercise or within depends on the preferences of the individual. Either way, isn’t a small life hack for feeling better overall very appealing?

For thousands of years people have turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine to fine cures and health regimes. One of the major components of Traditional Chinese Medicine is acupuncture, which is a form of alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. From acupuncture we get the Feng Fu, which requires no needles or poking. Feng Fu is common in Chinese acupuncture and instead of needles involves placing an ice cube on a specific position on the back of your neck for twenty minutes.

The Feng Fu point is a pressure point found at the base of your skull. The point is located just below the bottom ridge of the skull cap at the top of the neck. By stimulating the Feng Fu point with an ice cube once or twice a day, overall health and wellbeing is reported to be increased. But what exactly does that mean and what are the tangible benefits?

According to tradition, Feng Fu aids with a slew of different ailments. The most obvious and immediate things Feng Fu assists with is reducing headaches, joint pain, and toothaches. It is also said that this tactic can help reduce the effects of depression, stress, chronic fatigue, insomnia and better sleep quality overall. It is said that if Feng Fu is performed while someone is suffering from a common cold, the symptoms will be reduced. Internally, it is said that Feng Fu improves the digestive and cardiovascular systems.


Other problems that Feng Fu is said to help with is breathing complications caused by asthma as well as symptoms associated with arthritis, hypertension, and hypotension. For those trying to conceive Feng Fu is said to be able to help with impotence, infertility, and menstrual disorders. In addition, Feng Fu is said to help manage complications attributed to obesity, malnutrition, and the gastrointestinal tract.


By: Alexandria Addesso

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